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check_all_missing() check_is_all_missing()
Check if all values in a vector or matrix are missing
check_all_numeric() check_is_all_numeric()
Check if all values in a vector or matrix are numeric
check_all_positive() check_is_all_positive()
Check if all values in a vector or matrix are positive
check_character() check_is_character()
Check if input is a character vector and meets specified criteria
Check the class of an object
check_column_vector() check_is_column_vector()
Check if a matrix is a column vector
check_constant_vector() check_is_constant_vector()
Check if a vector is constant within a tolerance
check_matrix_constant() check_is_matrix_constant()
Check if constant matrix
check_dataframe_or_tibble() check_is_dataframe_or_tibble()
Validate input as a dataframe or tibble
check_dataframe() check_is_dataframe_not_tibble()
Check if an object is a data frame but not a tibble
check_diagonal() check_is_diagonal()
Check if a matrix is diagonal
check_diff_constant() check_is_diff_constant()
Check if the differences between elements of a vector are constant
check_empty() check_is_empty() check_not_empty() check_is_not_empty()
Check if a matrix is empty
check_even() check_is_even()
Check if a number is even
check_function() check_is_function()
Check if an object is a valid R function
check_identical() check_is_identical()
Check if two objects are identical
check_within_interval() check_is_within_interval()
Check if a number lies within a specified interval
check_iterable() check_is_iterable()
Check if the data is iterable and of a valid type
check_length_equal() check_is_length_equal()
Check if two vectors have the same length
check_limits() check_is_limits()
Check if two limits are valid, where the lower limit is less than the upper limit
check_list() check_is_list()
Check if an object is a list and not a dataframe or tibble
check_matrices_compatible() check_is_matrices_compatible()
Check if two matrices are compatible for multiplication or have the same dimensions
check_matrix_square() check_is_matrix_square()
Check if a matrix is numeric, square, and meets the specified conditions
check_matrix() check_is_matrix()
Check if a matrix is valid and if it meets specified conditions
check_member() check_is_member()
Check if a character is a member of a set of valid items
Check if the number of columns is within the specified range
Check if the number of rows is within the specified range
check_numeric_array() check_is_numeric_array()
Check if the input is a numeric array
check_numeric() check_is_numeric()
Check if a numeric value is within a specified range
check_odd() check_is_odd()
Check if a number is odd
check_ones() check_is_ones()
Check if a matrix contains only ones
check_prime() check_is_prime()
Check if a number is prime
check_row_vector() check_is_row_vector()
Check if a matrix is a row vector
check_scalar_character() check_is_scalar_character()
Check if a value is a character scalar
check_scalar_integer() check_is_scalar_integer()
Check if a value is an integer scalar
check_scalar_numeric() check_is_scalar_numeric()
Check if a value is a numeric scalar
check_sequential() check_is_sequential()
Check if a vector is sequential
check_timeseries() check_is_timeseries()
Check if an object is a time series
check_tril() check_is_tril()
Check if a matrix is lower triangular
check_triu() check_is_triu()
Check if a matrix is upper triangular
check_vector_or_matrix() check_is_vector_or_matrix()
Check if an object is a vector or matrix
check_vector() check_is_vector()
Check if an object is a valid vector
check_zeros() check_is_zeros()
Check if a matrix contains only zeros
Check if required arguments are missing
check_interval() check_is_interval()
Check if the parameters define a valid interval
Check if an input is logical
Return library namespace (all functions in a library)
Check parameter name
Return the singular or plural of a word
Format data for error messages
Convert vector to a character string representation