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check_iterable() if the input data is of an acceptable type (e.g., vector, matrix, data frame, or tibble). Optionally, it can include character vectors as valid types.


check_iterable(dat, includes_character = FALSE, par_name = "dat")

check_is_iterable(dat, includes_character = FALSE)



The data to check.


A logical value indicating whether character vectors should be included as valid types. Defaults to FALSE.


The name of the parameter (for error messaging). Defaults to "dat".


  • check_iterable(): Returns the original data if it is one of vector, matrix, data frame, or tibble and raises an error otherwise.

  • check_is_iterable(): Logical value, TRUE if the data is iterable, and FALSE otherwise.


# Examples for check_iterable()
# -----------------------------
check_iterable(c(1, 2, 3))
#> [1] 1 2 3
check_iterable(data.frame(a = 1))
#>   a
#> 1 1
try(check_iterable(5, includes_character = TRUE))
#> Error in check_iterable(5, includes_character = TRUE) : 
#>   Expected 'dat' to have at least 2 elements but got 1 element

# Examples for check_iterable()
# -----------------------------
check_is_iterable(c(1, 2, 3))
#> [1] TRUE
check_is_iterable(data.frame(a = 1))
#> [1] TRUE
try(check_is_iterable(5, includes_character = TRUE))
#> [1] FALSE