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dta_rename() renames columns in a data frame dat using a dictionary dict. The dictionary specifies the old column names and their corresponding new names.


dta_rename(dat, dict = NULL, .oldnames, .newnames)



A data frame whose columns are to be renamed.


A data frame serving as the dictionary, containing the old and new variable names.


A column in dict specifying the old variable names.


A column in dict specifying the new variable names.


A tibble with renamed columns.


The function checks the following:

  • Both dat and dict are data frames or tibbles.

  • Columns specified in .oldnames exist in dict.

  • The new variable names .newnames are unique.

  • There is no overlap between .oldnames and .newnames to avoid conflicts.

If any issues are detected, an error or warning is raised to ensure proper processing.


id age height weight
STM/4921 50 1.64 59
STM/4396 34 1.98 57
STM/7908 50 1.95 84
STM/7243 39 1.52 63
STM/4801 52 1.69 65
STM/5134 50 1.71 73
STM/7138 35 1.73 46
STM/6802 72 1.98 70
STM/4420 42 1.62 103
STM/6351 40 1.89 96
STM/4933 38 1.91 67
STM/4303 37 1.56 75
STM/7465 45 1.62 44
STM/4587 67 1.38 51
STM/5320 44 1.37 63
# Rename the columns `age` and `weight` to `age_in_years` # and `weight_in_kgs` result <- dta_rename( dat = data_bmi, .oldnames = c("age", "weight"), .newnames = c("age_in_years", "weight_in_kgs") ) dta_gtable(result)
id age_in_years height weight_in_kgs
STM/4921 50 1.64 59
STM/4396 34 1.98 57
STM/7908 50 1.95 84
STM/7243 39 1.52 63
STM/4801 52 1.69 65
STM/5134 50 1.71 73
STM/7138 35 1.73 46
STM/6802 72 1.98 70
STM/4420 42 1.62 103
STM/6351 40 1.89 96
STM/4933 38 1.91 67
STM/4303 37 1.56 75
STM/7465 45 1.62 44
STM/4587 67 1.38 51
STM/5320 44 1.37 63
# Rename all columns to `unique_id`, `age_in_years`, # `height_in_meters` and `weight_in_kgs`. In this case, new_names <- c( "unique_id", "age_in_years", "height_in_meters", "weight_in_kgs" ) result2 <- dta_rename( dat = data_bmi, .oldnames = NA, .newnames = new_names ) dta_gtable(result2)
unique_id age_in_years height_in_meters weight_in_kgs
STM/4921 50 1.64 59
STM/4396 34 1.98 57
STM/7908 50 1.95 84
STM/7243 39 1.52 63
STM/4801 52 1.69 65
STM/5134 50 1.71 73
STM/7138 35 1.73 46
STM/6802 72 1.98 70
STM/4420 42 1.62 103
STM/6351 40 1.89 96
STM/4933 38 1.91 67
STM/4303 37 1.56 75
STM/7465 45 1.62 44
STM/4587 67 1.38 51
STM/5320 44 1.37 63
# Rename from a dictionary - Begin by loading the dataset # with columns to be renamed. data("data_rename") dta_gtable(head(data_rename))
uniqueidentifier where_from age height weight group maritalstatus highesteducationlevel employed socioeconomicstatus
STM/4921 North East 50 1.64 59 AB Married Bachelors Yes High
STM/4396 Central 34 1.98 57 A Married Masters Yes Low
STM/7908 West 50 1.95 84 A Married Bachelors Yes Low
STM/7243 Central 39 1.52 63 O Single Masters Yes High
STM/4801 Central 52 1.69 65 AB Single Doctorate No Low
STM/5134 West 50 1.71 73 AB Married Doctorate No Middle
# The dictionary with the columns `oldnames` and # `newnames` representing the old and new variable names # respectively data("dict_rename") dta_gtable(dict_rename)
old new
uniqueidentifier id
where_from region
age age_years
height height_meters
weight weight_kg
group age_group
maritalstatus marital_status
highesteducationlevel education_level
employed employment_status
socioeconomicstatus ses
# Perform the renaming result3 <- dta_rename( dat = data_rename, dict = dict_rename, .oldnames = old, .newnames = new ) dta_gtable(result3)
id region age_years height_meters weight_kg age_group marital_status education_level employment_status ses
STM/4921 North East 50 1.64 59 AB Married Bachelors Yes High
STM/4396 Central 34 1.98 57 A Married Masters Yes Low
STM/7908 West 50 1.95 84 A Married Bachelors Yes Low
STM/7243 Central 39 1.52 63 O Single Masters Yes High
STM/4801 Central 52 1.69 65 AB Single Doctorate No Low
STM/5134 West 50 1.71 73 AB Married Doctorate No Middle
STM/7138 West 35 1.73 46 A Single Bachelors No High
STM/6802 West 72 1.98 70 B Single Doctorate No Low
STM/4420 West 42 1.62 103 AB Single Masters No Middle
STM/6351 North East 40 1.89 96 A Other Doctorate Yes High
STM/4933 West 38 1.91 67 B Married Bachelors Yes High
STM/4303 West 37 1.56 75 A Single Bachelors No Low
STM/7465 South 45 1.62 44 AB Married Bachelors Yes Low
STM/4587 Central 67 1.38 51 O Married Bachelors No Low
STM/5320 South 44 1.37 63 AB Married Bachelors No Middle