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dta_freq() calculates the frequency distribution of a specified column in a dataframe, with options for sorting, showing missing values, and customizing the output.


  name = NULL,
  is_sorted = FALSE,
  is_decreasing = TRUE,
  add_percent_symbol = TRUE,
  digits = 2



A dataframe.


The column in the dataframe for which the frequency distribution will be calculated.


Optional. A name for the column in the output. Defaults to NULL.


Logical. If TRUE, sorts the results. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, sorts in decreasing order. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical indicating whether or not to add a % sign to percentages. Default is TRUE.


Integer. Number of digits to round the percentage values to. Defaults to 1.


A dataframe with frequency counts, percentages, and total for the specified column.


# Basic frequency distribution of 'region' column

tab <- dta_freq(dat = data_sample, .column = region)
Region of residence Frequency Percent
Central 356 14.24%
North East 764 30.56%
South 851 34.04%
West 529 21.16%
Total 2500 100.00%
# Frequency distribution with sorting in increasing # order of frequency tab2 <- dta_freq( dat = data_sample, .column = region, is_sorted = TRUE, is_decreasing = FALSE ) dta_gtable(tab2)
Region of residence Frequency Percent
Central 356 14.24%
West 529 21.16%
North East 764 30.56%
South 851 34.04%
Total 2500 100.00%
# Frequency distribution with sorting in decreasing # order of frequency tab3 <- dta_freq( dat = data_sample, .column = region, is_sorted = TRUE, is_decreasing = TRUE ) dta_gtable(tab3)
Region of residence Frequency Percent
South 851 34.04%
North East 764 30.56%
West 529 21.16%
Central 356 14.24%
Total 2500 100.00%
# Remove the percentage symbol tab3 <- dta_freq( dat = data_sample, .column = region, is_sorted = TRUE, is_decreasing = TRUE, add_percent_symbol = FALSE ) dta_gtable(tab3)
Region of residence Frequency Percent
South 851 34.04
North East 764 30.56
West 529 21.16
Central 356 14.24
Total 2500 100.00