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This dataset contains information on individuals, including demographics, education, skills in various tools, and socioeconomic status.




A data frame with 50 rows and 15 variables:


character: Unique identifier for individuals.


character: Region of residence.


numeric: Age of the individual (in years).


numeric: Height of the individual (in meters).


numeric: Weight of the individual (in kilograms).


character: Blood group of the individual.


character: Marital status of the individual.


character: Highest level of education attained.


character: Socioeconomic status.


character: Proficiency in R programming.


character: Proficiency in Python programming.


character: Proficiency in SAS.


character: Proficiency in Stata.


character: Proficiency in SPSS.


character: Proficiency in Excel.


Simulated data for illustrative purposes.


id region age height weight blood_group marital_status education ses r python sas stata spss excel
STM/7539 southern 46 1.85 77 ba Other BSC medium n n yes tru n n
STM/7993 South 45 1.64 53 AB maried Bsc Midle y N n no tru N
STM/7387 southern 37 1.61 75 B single BSC Middle N tru no Yes No n
STM/5598 West 45 1.80 69 B Single MSc low y N y fasle no Yes
STM/5901 South 51 1.81 53 A+ Others Bachelors Medium no yes Yes n tru Yes
STM/7529 North-East 56 1.35 56 O Single Bsc Mediam yes fasle no yes tru no
STM/7238 North East 37 1.44 89 o Single Bachelers High No n Yes No yes no
STM/5417 North-East 50 1.67 73 o single MSc High No y Yes tru N yes
STM/5907 Central 38 1.48 86 o Other Bachelers Midle N tru y yes fasle n
STM/7877 Central 48 1.71 76 O Others Bachelors low N N tru n fasle no
STM/4762 South 41 1.96 81 ab Singel Bachelors Middle fasle tru no no no no
STM/7345 North-East 24 1.98 77 a Others MSc medium no Yes n No N Yes
STM/6968 wset 34 1.98 75 A+ Other Bachelers low yes N fasle y Yes tru
STM/5816 West 43 1.76 75 B maried PhD Medium tru y n Yes tru fasle
STM/7707 southern 63 1.92 67 o maried Bsc Medium No yes tru Yes No tru
STM/7449 North East 59 1.69 74 AB Other MSc Midle N fasle no no N No
STM/6853 southern 35 1.43 72 A Married Doctoral Midle tru fasle no y tru fasle
STM/5634 North East 22 1.63 72 o maried Doctorate Medium No y N y No tru
STM/4584 North East 62 1.92 87 AB Other Masters Midle Yes fasle yes tru yes yes
STM/4946 southern 41 1.40 93 O Singel PhD medium fasle N tru yes n n
STM/6798 North East 60 1.95 109 A Married Bachelors low No N N Yes y Yes
STM/4377 North East 44 1.50 44 A Others BSC low yes No n fasle yes n
STM/5435 Central 30 1.96 58 ba single MSc Hihg fasle N fasle No Yes fasle
STM/5562 southern 71 1.95 74 AB Others Bsc Midle Yes No tru Yes No yes
STM/7617 North East 53 1.91 53 a Others Doctorate Low No N fasle y N N
STM/6677 South 60 1.96 72 B Single Bachelors medium n fasle tru N n N
STM/4773 wset 41 1.39 74 A Married Bsc High fasle No n yes N N
STM/5416 Central 64 1.98 59 A maried Bachelors Middle Yes Yes no fasle fasle no
STM/4805 South 27 1.91 53 o Singel Bachelors low fasle No yes yes n fasle
STM/5493 wset 63 1.38 66 ba Married MSc medium Yes Yes no Yes tru No
STM/7650 South 54 1.88 56 ba Others MSc Middle y fasle N No yes n
STM/5458 wset 61 1.95 85 a single BSC Hihg No Yes N fasle Yes No
STM/6102 South 35 1.71 62 o Others Bsc Low y No Yes Yes N fasle
STM/7508 wset 29 1.77 82 ba Married Doctorate Mediam no no N No yes fasle
STM/4121 southern 37 1.78 70 B Others PhD medium No Yes y N N fasle
STM/4830 North-East 41 1.69 65 a Single Doctorate High No y fasle tru Yes no
STM/6271 Central 58 1.56 77 AB maried MSc Mediam n fasle N tru n N
STM/7818 North East 61 1.65 82 a maried MSc low n yes fasle tru fasle no
STM/4671 Central 36 1.56 58 A+ Singel MSc High n n yes fasle N fasle
STM/5864 southern 40 1.95 76 o Singel Bsc medium tru fasle n y no n
STM/4951 North East 52 1.80 77 B Others Bachelors medium tru no n fasle tru yes
STM/6287 wset 25 1.47 81 O maried Doctorate Middle yes no tru tru fasle fasle
STM/4340 North East 50 1.95 84 ab Other Bachelors Middle Yes n fasle y yes No
STM/5202 North-East 55 1.49 52 o Others Doctorate Middle y Yes n n n no
STM/7939 wset 49 1.47 87 B maried Masters Hihg fasle tru y tru y y
STM/4201 North-East 35 1.66 89 ab single Bachelors Midle fasle no no N no fasle
STM/6411 Central 32 1.90 72 B single PhD High tru Yes N No tru tru
STM/4685 South 68 1.52 85 a Single PhD Low N no tru No Yes N
STM/5343 North East 48 1.36 54 ba Other Bachelers High Yes N n y yes Yes
STM/5129 wset 55 1.72 86 ba Others Doctorate low yes Yes yes Yes fasle No